Sunday, June 19, 2011

Healthy Hair care with egg

Healthy Hair<a href=''> care</a> with egg
Healthy Hair care with egg
egg is healthy food with high protein contained. we talk about Healthy Hair care with egg.
If you experience a 'bad hair day' all week, it's a sign of hair requires extra care. Do biarkanrambut difficult, dull and dry for too long. Take advantage of eggs to restore the beauty of hair.
Use a mask made ​​from eggs. High protein content in egg texture softens and strengthens hair roots.
This hair treatment is quite cheap because you can make at home. Here are practical ways to make egg-based hair mask:

1. egg mask treatment
- Mix two eggs complete yellow, with two tablespoons of water. Stir until well blended
- Wet your hair with water. Apply directly eggs on the hair while give a light massage.
- Let stand for about 15 minutes, then wash with shampoo soft fabric.
- Make sure the hair is completely clean of eggs and no fishy smell.

2. Egg mask with olive oil
- Mix two eggs with five teaspoons of olive oil. Stir to form a foam.
- Wet your hair with a little water, then apply the existing egg-shaped foam to the entire hair.
- Cover hair with shower cap and let stand for about 30 minutes so the oil seep into the hair roots.
- Clean hair with shampoo soft fabric.

source: • VIVAnews //


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Healthy Hair care with egg

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