Sunday, June 19, 2011

best solution for Hair loss

best solution for Hair<a href=''> loss</a>
best solution for Hair loss
Hair loss can be caused by many things such as: stress, dandruff or hair is not healthy. I used to also have experienced hair loss. At that time my hair fall out after my illness dengue fever.
If you have trouble knowing the cause of your hair loss, you can ask an expert like a dermatologist or even a salon hair care clinics, because they are very expert and will know the cause quickly.
Hair loss healing process usually takes a long time between 1-3 months and even more, depending on the level of severity of damage to your hair, if your head has reached the level of baldness could be much longer, for that you need to be diligent and patient, be patient in undergoing the process of healing .
In the healing process of hair loss or balding is usually in the three stages, namely the care process. normalism process and the final healing process, and it must be done on an ongoing basis, should not be cut off.
And remember the best way to prevent your hair, because if it happens baldness in the hair of 90% of people are lazy to care for her return to normal, and maintenance costs that have been damaged hair / bald to be expensive.

1. Creambath
This method is useful lumanyan. If you would prefer cream bath cream ginseng. Because the ingredients in ginseng can strengthen rambut.Tapi if you do not have time or feel too expensive creambat you could try a more traditional manner.

2. With aloe vera
Aloe vera plants proved to be very powerful to overcome the loss can even make your hair better and thicker. I experienced it myself. How to use:
  • Take aloe vera plants that are large and have a lot of meat.
  • Aloe vera is then split in two and take on his flesh.
  • coat all parts of your head with aloe vera until evenly distributed.
  • let stand until 10-15 minutes.
  • then you wash until clean.
  • do that 1 -- 2x a week on a regular basis.


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best solution for Hair loss

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