Hair Loss Treatment with 7 ways . Hair loss is a big enemy for a woman. Not only make our hair look damaged but also interfere with our best. but now and a does not need to worry anymore because there are 7 Hair Loss Treatment.
- Reduce or avoid the use of shampoo to foam too much. Because that has foam shampoo contains a lot of pH 7 to 8, which can damage the natural acid scalp pH around 5.5.
- Conditioner is useful to counter the alkaline nature of the hair. Acidic nature of the conditioner will close the hair cuticle as before.
- Frequently massaging the scalp. Massaging the scalp function to help facilitate the circulation of blood.
- Take a supplement containing vitamin B6 and Zinc, especially if you do not get these nutrients from food intake. Vitamin B5 and B6 regulates the production of sebum, the oil that lubricate the hair follicles to produce healthy hair shaft.
- Reduce consumption of coffee and soda, switch to drinking fruit smoothies are rich in B vitamins, such as bananas, strawberries, mango and kiwi fruit so that the intake of vitamin B will multiply.
- Limit the use of chemical or physical treatment of excessive hair.
- Avoid stress, because stress can trigger hair loss. Try getting enough sleep so your body gets enough rest. Avoid cigarettes and alcohol
source : www.google.com / http://merawatrambut.blogspot.com/2009/08/7-perawatan-rambut-rontok.html
7 way Hair Loss Treatment
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