Hair is one of the greatest supporting her appearance. No wonder the women keep the hair with a wide range of beauty treatments and styling with the use of chemical products. Not infrequently a woman will feel stress if you find her hair fall out in the comb, pillow, or floor.
Not only because it uses too much chemicals in hair products, there are many reasons that can cause hair loss. Among others:
1. Gestation
Telogen effluvium hair loss is a phenomenon that occurs after pregnancy, major surgery, a drastic weight loss, and excessive stress. It can also occur due to medication such as antidepressants and anti-inflammatory drugs non-
During the telogen effluvium, there is a change in hair growth. Will grow faster process to phase change 'rest' before finally falling out, or called the telogen phase. Women with telogen effluvium hair loss is usually not realized in the six weeks to three months after periods of stress. At its height, hair may fall out as much as a hand full.
To treat hair loss that occurs due to pregnancy or major surgery must wait for hair loss is reduced. Loss happened because the treatment can be overcome by dose reduction or drug replacement.
2. Genetic
Hair loss due to genetic factors known as androgenetic alopecia is more common penyebabkerontokan according to the American Academy of Dermatology. The gene can be inherited from your mother or father.
"Women with this trait usually experience hair loss at the rear line of bangs," said Pamela Jakubowicz, MD, a dermatologist from Montefiore Medical Center in New York, as quoted by page Yahoo! Shine. This condition occurs at the early age of 20 years and occur with a slow process.
3. Hipotiroidis
Millions of people, especially women, suffer from thyroid disease. Hipotiroidis occurs when the body produces little or much thyroid hormone responsible for metabolism, heart rate, and mood. Thyroid hormones responsible for metabolism using oxygen and energy for the growth of hair, skin and nails.
The use of drugs containing thyroid hormone is very beneficial to cure these symptoms.
4. Hormone imbalance
Hormonal imbalance can lead to polycystic ovarian syndrome, in which the ovaries produce too many male hormones. These symptoms usually occur at the early age of 11 years. This syndrome can lead to hair loss, irregular menstruation, acne, cysts in
ovary. "When you realize the loss on your head, you may be aware of the excess hair on other parts of your body," says Dr. Fusco.
5. Anemia
Women who experience menstrual too much and do not consume enough foods that contain lots of iron will have a shortage of red blood cells. Red blood cells as a vehicle of oxygen to the organs of the body, and energizing. Kerurangan blood or anemia can lead to panic, weakness, headache, difficulty concentrating, decreased temperature of hands and feet, pale skin, and hair loss.
Eating foods rich in iron such as beef, green vegetables, cereals, and nuts may reduce the symptoms of anemia. In addition, vitamin C may facilitate the absorption of iron in the body. Women need 18 mg of iron per day, 8 mg after menopause.
6. Unhealthy scalp
Unhealthy scalp can lead to inflammation that result in hair is difficult to grow. Condition of the scalp that are not as healthy as the dandruff. Dandruff causing scalp changed so that more oily. The use of a suitable shampoo for the scalp, treatment, until taking the antifungal drugs can overcome this problem.
7. Excessive use of chemicals
Too much cleaning head, styling, coloring can cause damage to existing hair. Heat and chemicals can weaken the hair resulting in hair loss.
To overcome this problem, avoid using the hair dryer is too hot, hair coloring that is too often, and use of other chemicals.
source : • VIVAnews
the reasons of cause hair loss
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