Two types of hair that grows on our body that is vellus and terminal. The Vellus hair is short with fine hair, mostly owned by women in the area of the chest, back and face. the Vellus hair to help maintain a stable body temperatures. the Terminal hair that is coarse hair, dark longer than vellus hair, for example, the hair on the head, hair in the armpits and around the genital area.
In men, hair type is also growing in the face like a mustache, beard, in the chest, the legs, arms and buttocks. Terminal hair is useful as a cushion or protective organs. But many of us, whether women or men experiencing excessive hair growth or hirsutism. These conditions can reduce the image's poor performance and confidence. Several ways to remove hair such as shaving or waxing to do. But that still means a temporary or provisional character.
Currently, there are ways that effectively removes hair by laser hair remover. Laser energy is applied using the principle of selective photothermolysis in the target pigment or hair follicles will stop growing. Selective photothermolysis is a process that involves selective absorption by the roots (not affecting the surrounding tissue) to strong light is emitted from an intense long-wave. Laser energy into the hair follicles to cause inflammation, so it stops hair growth.
Number of treatments using the laser hair remover depending on the location of the hair to be removed. Usually 3-5 treatments over a period of 4-8 weeks. This treatment can be done almost all the hair bearing part of your body. Sometimes these treatments have limitations, so that sometimes the hair grows even with subtle textures, hair color was younger and shorter than the previous.
This treatment has relatively few side effects. As the change in skin color and a blister or burn, especially for dark-skinned patients. But these side effects are temporary and can be recovered within a few months back. In addition to not cause discomfort or pain, other benefits of laser hair remover is classified as cosmetic operations are safe if done with proper procedures and competent medical staff for not using chemicals or needles. source : google.com
effectively removes hair by laser hair remover
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