Monday, October 10, 2011

Epila laser hair - home laser hair removal system

Summertime is the time for the beach, for bathing suits, and for relaxing out in the sun. There has never been a more important time to ensure that your skin is smooth and free of unsightly hair. Constantly maintaining your skin through shaving or waxing can be time-consuming, painful, and expensive. If you want to save time, energy, and money, all the while achieving a permanent, painless, and cheap hair-removal, you need to look no further than the Epila laser hair removal device.

How does the Epila laser hair remover work?

This home laser hair removal system looks exactly like an electric razor or shaver. It is small and rectangular, and is easy to handle. This device works because the laser gets under your skin and deactivates your follicles. It reacts with the pigments in your hair, which creates heat, which then has this effect on the follicle. This prevents hair from growing back for an extended period of time.

One advantage of the Epila system is that it saves an enormous amount of time per year that would normally be spent on shaving and other time-consuming practices. Treatment for a single leg may take up to 60 minutes, and you will need to perform this treatment once every two weeks for four to eight months. This may seem like a long time, but once the treatment process has been completed, you can go without shaving for up to a year or longer, as the device prevents 90% of hair from growing back in the target region.

While the Epila is very effective at removing unsightly and unwanted hair, there are some people who do not qualify for its use. People who are looking to remove hair on the face and near the eyes should consider other treatment options, as the powerful laser can cause damage to your retinas. Also, the skin in these areas is very sensitive and can be damaged by the power of the laser.

Also, the laser used in this treatment procedure responds well and reacts to darker-colored hair. If you have fair or light hair, such as blonde, strawberry blonde, light brown, grey, or white hair, you should consider a different treatment option, as these hairs are generally unaffected by the laser. People with dark skin are also not eligible to use this device, as it can be absorbed by the skin and cause burns.

The Perks of an Epila Device:

There are several perks that set the Epila system above other options for hair removal. People everywhere are learning that the Epila is the correct option for laser hair removal at home.

Convenient—With gas prices on the rise, you won’t need to make a costly trip to and from the clinic every time you need a treatment. Cheap—Did you know that professional treatments from a clinic can cost well over three thousand dollars per body area? The Epila laser hair removal system costs well under two hundred dollars, plus the cost of the medicated cream.Hazard-free—Because this technology has been used for well over fifteen years, it has been extensively tested for safety. It is FDA and CE approved, and includes many precautionary safety features such as timers and sensors. Painless—Use of this device is overwhelmingly pain-free. Many users report mild itchiness or irritation, and the skin may swell up or turn red, but these side effects are extremely temporary and usually disappear within twenty four hours or less.


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Unknown said...

In a laser hair removal courses The treatment area needs to be shaved to skin level , although a days hair growth may be necessary and helpful so that the area that requires treatment is easily recognizable.

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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

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Epila laser hair - home laser hair removal system

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